Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Karma Intervenes

Busy-busy-running-all-day type of day for me at the library.

No time for lunch (No, seriously. I had a 7 minute lunch hour. SEVEN MINUTES.), and I was feeling totally blah this evening...planned to skip the walk and just get into bed early.

And then karma intervened.

My friend and coworker Carrie and her baby girl Isabel stopped by, and invited me for a walk!

I love it when things like that happen. :-)

I wonder if I get extra points for pushing the stroller most of the way? ;-)

Echoing what Harmony said, I've already walked 101 minutes for our 90 minute goal this week, so I'm feeling pretty good!

I'm heading to the parentals for Memorial Day weekend, so I probably will be offline much of the time, but I hope to have a few walks to report when I return!

Have a GREAT long weekend, y'all!

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