Thursday, May 17, 2007

Check In

Alright, alright, I'm checking in, Miss Bossy Pants! ;-)

Yes, Erica, you are made of awesome. ;-)

I've managed to walk every day so far since this shindig began. I had a migraine today, so I was feeling pretty blah, but I managed to march in place for 35 minutes in front of the TV during the season finale of Ugly Betty.

(Erica, sorry I didn't answer...I don't do phone calls when Betty or Grey's are on. Ya know. *grin*)

According to my trusty pedometer, I've walked about 5 miles thus far - already kickin' the 4 miles a week goal! Yay!

How about you guys? I need the competitive juices flowing too! :-)

1 comment:

little ineb said...

Thank you. I just needed a little attention and acknowledgment.

You are made of super awesome. Super dooper. :)