Friday, May 18, 2007

huff and puff

Last night I took a stroll up and down the hill on my street while on the phone. Cuz girls love it when I breathe heavily at them. I think it was about 20 minutes. Survey says I'm at about 5 miles at this point, which is good cuz I have to stand around at the opera tonight, so no walking beforehand.

In negative points, I accidentally ate an entire jumbo cadbury candy bar last night and today I had to drop off paperwork at the temp agency so I left with two big chocolately chip cookies. Not quite the bran flakes breakfast I've been having recently.

1 comment:

Roll The Dice said...

Great job, you!

I just got back from an hourlong walk in the sunshine - it's beautiful out there!

By my count, I've walked 2.7 hours thus far, and 7.3 miles! Woot!

Of course, am going out for birthday dinner tonight, and have to work this weekend, but I'm going to try and walk for a few minutes, at least!