Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yay! Happy birthday to me! Bring on the rice cakes instead of the cupcakes!

(Kidding. *grin*)

I just wanted to say thanks for letting me be a part of this lil online's been the kick in the butt I've needed to start making changes in my life, and there is no better time than on a birthday (31!) to re-evaluate things.

So, thanks!

Also, to make this a relevant post instead of a sappy post, I've walked 2.7 hours thus far this week, and completed 7.3 miles. C'mon, y'all! Top that! Woot!

Have a great weekend!


RevAaronD said...

Happy Birthday, Marissa!

Roll The Dice said...

Thank you! :-)

Harmony said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!