Monday, May 21, 2007

Holy walking, batman!

I'm so impressed with how well we are all doing! You guys kick some major butt! I had absolutely NO expectations and yet somehow we've all surpassed them. To be honest, I might have thought to myself, "Man, Bethany is being overly proactive with this whole blog thing...", but I'm really digging the progress and positive attitudes.


My official numbers from the first week:
210 minutes of walking
3 hours of kayaking

I figure Lola stopping to explore the world slows down my usual quick pace a bit and puts us somewhere around 8 miles on foot. Kayaking was 8 miles, though not constant paddling.

And I'll post a hilarious picture of my Neon with 4 kayaks on top as soon as I get it uploaded. I'm pretty sure it defies physics.

Here's to another great week for all of us!

1 comment:

Roll The Dice said...

I so want to see this picture. :-)

Great totals this week, Harmony!