Monday, June 11, 2007

Woe Is Me

Oh dear.

I seem to have forsaken thee (thees?) over the last couple of weeks. Between a family visit, a spur of the moment friends visit, Relay for Life and life in general, I have been rather absent.

I'm sure you missed me desperately. ;-)

I have a confession:

I have not been walking.

And I feel ick because of it.

I'm a creature of habit, and when I can make walking a part of the irrevocable routine, I'm good to go, but you give me two weeks of pure chaos, and I seem to be back where I began.

But I'm determined to try and get going again, with y'alls help!

In other news, I bought a bike.

Having not ridden a bike in about 17 years, this is a new and exciting challenge. I can't go far, or fast, but at least I'm staying upright on the damn thing. ;-)

I'm hoping it will help break up the walking with a different exercise every once in a while.

Pretty blue, no?

May 28

Anyhoo, I'm hoping to be back in the walking rhythm with you all very soon! Great to see how wonderfully everyone is doing - very motivating!

1 comment:

little ineb said...

Yay, pretty pretty bike.