Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New motivation.

Lola was being, for lack of a kinder way to put it, a HUGE shithead-hellion-f@*kface-a$$hole tonight. I tried calming her with a 15 minute break in her crate. It didn't work. I was frustrated and ready to cry. And the fact that I was ready to cry made me want to cry more, cuz that's lame, yo.

So I took her for a walk. We went around our usual part of the neighborhood, but sensing that our few blocks were not enough to expel her demon energy, I kept going into the undeveloped parts of the neighborhood. By the time we made it back home we'd walked 40 minutes. She's been chewing her bone, instead of me, for the entire hour since we've been back.


Ignoring the fact that Bethany is on her way over with a small Dairy Queen blizzard to reward me for being such a good doggy mom, today contained a nice healthy 70 minutes, or roughly 3.5 miles, and I still love my dog.

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