Tuesday, June 26, 2007

glug glug

I am on my fourth glass of water today, and I feel like I could float away. Of course it also breaks up the monotony of sitting at my desk, as I have to get up and walk across the office to the restroom every hour or so. The whole "balance" goal is going to be a gift, I think, as I taper off the drug dosage. It gives me lots of things to keep track of and think about... my eating habits, meal planning, water consumption, walk-tracking, time management... hopefully that sort of tasking will help me boot my brain on track when it occasionally stalls and drifts into the ditch... which it has been doing periodically all afternoon. Thankfully just an hour left to the workday and then nothing on tap for this evening. I might watch a movie, read, sleep... sleep... sleep.... something like that. Heck, I might even go for an actual walk and not just count the steps I take during my workday. In defense of my workday, I walked two miles on Friday between 9am and 7pm. The pedometer is both a blessing and a curse... it encourages me to give credit to non-aerobic walking. But I will get better... I'm working on it... you all inspire me to keep working on it. :)

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