Monday, June 25, 2007


I'm trying to be more devoted to walking... and better eating choices... and general well-being. I need to maintain balance, as the title suggests, particularly right now as I wean off an antidepressant. Because ineb told me to, I resisted the urge to go cold turkey (I ran out two days ago, so I had a headstart!) and went to pick up my prescription over lunch. I also bought a pill-splitter, so that I can reduce by 25% at a time my one-tab-a-day current dosage. Today'll be the first day at 75% which is.. what, 7.5mg? I think. Not that it matters. :) Anyway while I was there I also bought a book called Eat Smart, Walk Strong. And I hope it doesn't suck. And if it gives me any fabulous tips, I will be sure to share them with the rest of you. I chose it because it was marked down to $11, because it includes recipes and contains an integrated "diary" of what you've eaten and how much you've walked, and... because it has quizzes. Quizzes rule.

I am sad because the "show all" labels button doesn't work for me anymore. And I don't have our labels memorized...

ooh, and also! In the interest of balance and general emotional well-being... do good deeds! And then let us praise you for them, because it feels good and that IS OKAY! Blog about them, even if they're tiny. It will give us another topic. :)


little ineb said...

Yeah, well. I did not walk the needed 100 minutes this weekend. Not remotely. I watched a lot of Buffy, threw a temper tantrum, and felt like crap in general. In short, I think I will be going back to therapy.

Good deed? My waitress at lunch wanted to have a conversation, so I had one with her. It was nice (and not about the weather.)

Bethany said...

Yay! Taking the time to be genuinely friendly in people who provide customer service is an A+ good deed. :) I gave a banana to an out-of-work veteran when I got off the freeway ramp on my way back to work from lunch... he was thrilled, and it made my day.