Monday, June 4, 2007

On the road again...

Last week was a complete failure. I walked maybe an hour of the projected 100 minutes. Basically, I was lazy.

To make up for some of it, Phil and I did paddle the ENTIRE 8 miles of our Saturday kayak trip, completeing the course in just about 2 hours (nearly 1/2 the usual time). It was fun and my arms don't even feel like falling off! Yay, arms!

This week Phil is back on the road, which means Lola and I are back on track - and that track is 3 walks a day. We've already done our morning and afternoon walks and I'm hoping it's not raining later so I can walk her either before or after my ceramics class.

My personal goal for the week is 30 minutes each week day, and 30 more over the weekend for a total of 180 minutes.

I've also started keeping a food journal. So far, the amount of crap I eat is shameful so as a side goal I hope to work on that this week too. It's hard to view my bad habits as "little splurges" when they're right in print with such staggering frequency. Note to self: This requires you to stop buying the tubs of fresh mozzarella in basil and garlic and snacking on the little bite sized balls of YUM all evening long...

Let's see how I do. :)


Bethany said...

...where do these... uh... evil little snacks that I certainly wouldn't be rushing out tonight to buy for myself... er... yeah. Where do you get that mozzerella? I mean, because I'll go get rid of them for you... eliminate the temptation...

Harmony said...

LOL. At Busch's they were over near the deli counter with all the other fancy cheeses.

I cut them up and used them to make a boboli pizza yesterday.

They're just amazing little things, really. No matter how you use em.