Thursday, June 14, 2007

And then...?

Okay so I know Binky went shopping, but where did everyone else go? It's quiet on here this week and I'm curious to know what's keeping you all away - too busy walking or too busy slacking?

I've done so-so this week - meaning good, but not as good as I wanted. Including this morning we've clocked 140 walking minutes. That's likely to be near our total because Phil will be around to help tomorrow morning and then I'm off to Tawas for a lovely no-boys-allowed weekend vacation.

We might exercise, but we might also just lay around watching chick flicks and painting our nails. Or taunt the regulars at the local watering hole with our new aged non-country juke box music selections and loud giggling. We shall see.

Holla back, y'all.

1 comment:

little ineb said...

A vacation sounds so so nice. Sigh.