Monday, July 2, 2007

Biker Chick

Hi all!

I know, I know...I kinda fell off the planet a bit there, didn't I?

I went to ALA in Washington last week, and walked many, many miles between hotels and around the exhibit hall, but sadly didn't get to walk with Harmony, because I am a doofus.

(Cell. Charger. Bad. No. Phone. Oops.)

In any case, I have managed to ride my bike several times since I got home, and tonight I broke my latest mini-goal...three miles! I rode 3.3 miles in the lovely dusk evening, grinning on the downhills, and panting on the uphills, but I made it!

I'm planning to wear my pedometer to work on varying days in the coming weeks to see if I really do hit that "10,000 steps" a day mark, and how I can adjust it. Does anyone else do this?

Anyhoo, lovely to read all your posts, and keep moving! We can do it!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I do in fact wear my pedometer to work every day... and come nowhere near 10,000 steps. Not even close. At first it was fun... now it's mildly frustrating. But still motivating.

Go for it! :)