Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Well aren't we a quiet bunch.
And instead of losing weight, I've been gaining, consistently. I could blame the medication transitions, or any number of other things, but really it's pretty much that I've been eating crap and not really exercising much.
Today I found this cool link.
So I'm sharing it.
Yay, links. Yay, exercise and decent eating habits ... yeah.


little ineb said...

Sorry gang, August was awful. I was sick, then stressed out, then depressed, and now I'm sick again. Also, it was too hot to walk. All that rain the rest of the world saw: Bloomington didn't see a drop. It's been humid and 95 degrees for 30 days. So, I'm looking forward to fall, and to happiness.

Roll The Dice said...

I second that. Too hot, too unmotivated.

Come cooler temperatures and shiny groceries in my fridge, and I'll be better. :-)