Monday, March 31, 2008


Friday: walked a mile. I might have done another lap, but I had to pee :)

Saturday: walked 2.5 miles. It took an hour. I felt out of shape and tired.

It's raining again here, so we'll see how much I get done this next week...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I have neglected this blog and my workouts this quarter. My apologies. I have returned though! I am "tracked out" for a few weeks- meaning my students and I are out of school for a few weeks.
I am getting back in to my workout routine and throwing a few extra workouts in for good measure. I had a stressful last two quarters and proceeded to workout less, eat more, and gain a few pounds. With my 3oth birthday looming, I am ready to jump back to the gym and boogie my buns off!!
Wish me luck!
It's good to be back!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey all

Our blog is so neglected ...
should we keep it going? Repurpose it? Bid it a fond adieu?

It's Tuesday, and I am randomly going through my internet favorites
looking for things I haven't read in a while (this, clearly) and checking
to make sure they are still there....

I'm boring. :P